Category Archives: Curiosity

Everything I find just out of curiosity will be published in this category.

Writer’s Block? Some Tips Here!

Many individuals argue that writer’s block does not exist, however, when faced with the pressure of a blank page and a tight deadline, it’s clear that something may be impeding the writing process. To combat this, I’ve discovered some helpful strategies, such as:

  1. Free-writing: Set a timer for a specific amount of time (e.g. 10-15 minutes) and write whatever comes to mind without stopping or editing. This can help to get past the initial hurdle of starting to write.
  2. Mind mapping: Create a visual representation of your ideas by drawing a central idea and branching out with related ideas. This can help to organize and connect your thoughts, making it easier to start writing.
  3. Changing your environment: Sometimes a change of scenery can help to break the block. Try working in a different room, at a coffee shop, or in a park.
  4. Take a break: Sometimes, when you’ve been staring at the same piece of writing for too long, it’s hard to see the forest for the trees. Take a break, go for a walk, do something else for a bit, and come back to it later with fresh eyes.
  5. Read: Reading can help to stimulate your mind and give you new ideas. Try reading something in your genre or something completely different.
  6. Writing prompts: Use writing prompts to help get your creative juices flowing. They can be found online or in writing prompt books.
  7. Write about something you know: If you’re struggling to come up with new ideas, try writing about something you know well. This can be something from your own life or a topic you’re already familiar with.
  8. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga can help to clear your mind and reduce stress.
  9. Seek support: Reach out to other writers or a therapist for support. Talking through your block with someone who understands can help you to find a solution.

It’s important to remember that writer’s block is a common experience and everyone deals with it differently, try different methods and see what works best for you.

2020: The Year Of The Blog

For many years, I have planned to start a blog. The reason is not clear though. It might be triggered by my ego, or just a tool to have a conversation with likeminded people.

Honestly, my plan was to start it last year. (or ten years ago ) The problem has always been my old nemesis”Procrastination”. Ever since I discovered that word, I have blamed her for all my failures.

In simple words, procrastination means to avoid some task or activity for the fear of failure. It causes real pain or discomfort just to think about doing that thing that we apparently need to do. So, in order to avoid that potential pain, the easiest way is not to complete that endeavor.

Today, the situation has changed. I have always thought of Death as the best counselor. You may keep her on your right all the time and ask her if any action is worth doing. She would probably smile and say: “Go ahead!” Or, “do not waste your limited time”.

The situation changed the last year when one of my best friends died. (that was my father. My other best friend is my mother who is, fortunately, still around and I hope for many more years )

The best lessons in life are learned the hard way. Last year, coincidentally, I decided to make a career change. A couple of months before my father’s event, I took the opportunity to start working on a call center. For the last 7 years, I was working with a great company in my town in the area of electrical utility services. The work was fine but I needed to increase my monthly income and make some time to work on my side projects. Today, I have been working as a call center agent for about 9 months.

The other important subject is age. I have noticed that I have started to forget small things. I can watch a movie I’ve seen before (several times) and in some cases, it seems like the first time. I’m literally surprised by some twists in the story.

In short, I am starting to publish this Blog as a tool to reorder my thoughts and get feedback from those interested in the same subjects. As a son of the 70’s, many of the stories I plan to share here, are from those years. My obsession with comic books, Music, classic literature, science in general and many more.

Nicholas Cage ‘You Don’t Say’ meme

you-dont-saySometimes you find some interesting ‘meme’ and instantly, you want to know the origin of that image.  This is just another aftermath of the Search Engine Revolution:   We demand to know and now.

The title of the ‘meme’ is ‘You Don’t Say‘ and sometimes ‘Really!‘.  The tone of the phrase heard sarcastically.   So, the title of the movie where Nicholas Cage does the infamous crazy face, is titled “Vampire’s Kiss“. In this scene with the latin actress and singer Maria Conchita Alonso:

(Also, if you are interested in the origin of the Word ‘meme’ itself, you may want to click
How Richard Dawkins Coined the Word Meme: The Legendary Atheist’s Surprising Religious Inspiration